
Is Your Culture Working For or Against Your Success? If You Don’t Get It Right, Nothing Else Matters!

By: Marcia Zidle
Schedule: 03 December, 2024 (Tuesday)
Time: 12:00 PM PDT | 03:00 PM EDT
Duration: 60 Minutes
Webinar ID : 2408

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Yes, we are in the midst of a "new normal" that is creating massive challenges to every organization, big and small in all industries. So, why be concerned with culture when you, as a manager, or supervisor, or team leader have so many other problems to deal with?
The reason is that this "new normal" creates massive challenges for your department, your team, as well as your employees. Besides the personal adjustments they are making in working remote or hybrid, their working style-habits and behaviors-will also need to adapt to the many changes that are occurring.

In reality, culture should not be considered as a touchy-feely, but rather as a bottom-line component of a business. It's about the day-to-day interactions between leaders and staff; between managers and supervisors and their team members; between the various departments and your customers or clients. In other words, it's pervasive throughout the organization and it can enable a company's success or be the key to its undoing.

Therefore, it will require all managers, supervisors, team leaders at all levels to develop new or retooled managerial practices to effectively lead in this very changing workplace. In this webinar you will learn how to get a good read on the cultural issues of this "new normal" as well as the tools to build a positive, engaging culture especially for the Gen Z and Millennial workforce.


Workplace culture is a hot topic in organizations who want to attract and retain the best talent; translate their values to their products and services; and show customers what they're all about. There are significant benefits that come from a vibrant and impactful culture. They are:

  • Focus and Spirit: Aligns the entire company towards achieving its vision, mission, and goals
  • Engagement: Builds higher employee motivation, productivity, and innovative problem solving
  • Cohesion: Builds consistency and coordination among the company's various departments and divisions

What about your company's culture? Does it inspire and engage or get in your people's way, slowing and wearing them down? Is it driven from top-down directives or cross-department collaboration? What stories do your people, and your customers, tell others about you?

However, due to the many changes in the workplace, the "new" new normal of 2024 presents certain challenges. Your workforce may be entirely in person or remote or hybrid, or a combination. Teams and workgroups, that once connected very frequently in person, are now often virtual and dispersed working in an uncertain and evolving climate. It's going to put many company cultures to the test. The right culture-a culture that embraces change, recognizes the new challenges facing employees and encourages them to take the initiative and do things differently, more effectively-will need to support this shift, easing the transition and driving productivity.

This webinar will help your leaders and managers understand the power of culture during times of change and uncertainty; and what they can do to communicate and reinforces the best of your culture and at the same time adapt to deal with this new normal.


  • Understand the reasons why Peter Drucker says: "Culture eats strategy for lunch"
  • Discover why culture is like an iceberg: What's above and what's below the water line
  • Identify and examine the six key elements of culture in every business or organization
  • Review five daily ways effective leaders can communicate and reinforce company culture
  • Recognize what successful leaders know and do that helps them avoid cultural traps and misfires
  • Learn six tactics to support your Gen Z and Millennial workforce - keeping them productive and engaged


  • CEO's
  • COO's
  • VP of Human Resources
  • Chief Learning Officer
  • Directors
  • Project Managers
  • Operation Managers and Supervisors
  • Team Leaders
  • Human Resources Professionals

Workplace culture is a hot topic in organizations who want to attract and retain the best talent; translate their values to their products and services; and show customers what they're all about. There are significant benefits that come from a vibrant and impactful culture. They are:

  • Focus and Spirit: Aligns the entire company towards achieving its vision, mission, and goals
  • Engagement: Builds higher employee motivation, productivity, and innovative problem solving
  • Cohesion: Builds consistency and coordination among the company's various departments and divisions

What about your company's culture? Does it inspire and engage or get in your people's way, slowing and wearing them down? Is it driven from top-down directives or cross-department collaboration? What stories do your people, and your customers, tell others about you?

However, due to the many changes in the workplace, the "new" new normal of 2024 presents certain challenges. Your workforce may be entirely in person or remote or hybrid, or a combination. Teams and workgroups, that once connected very frequently in person, are now often virtual and dispersed working in an uncertain and evolving climate. It's going to put many company cultures to the test. The right culture-a culture that embraces change, recognizes the new challenges facing employees and encourages them to take the initiative and do things differently, more effectively-will need to support this shift, easing the transition and driving productivity.

This webinar will help your leaders and managers understand the power of culture during times of change and uncertainty; and what they can do to communicate and reinforces the best of your culture and at the same time adapt to deal with this new normal.

  • Understand the reasons why Peter Drucker says: "Culture eats strategy for lunch"
  • Discover why culture is like an iceberg: What's above and what's below the water line
  • Identify and examine the six key elements of culture in every business or organization
  • Review five daily ways effective leaders can communicate and reinforce company culture
  • Recognize what successful leaders know and do that helps them avoid cultural traps and misfires
  • Learn six tactics to support your Gen Z and Millennial workforce - keeping them productive and engaged
  • CEO's
  • COO's
  • VP of Human Resources
  • Chief Learning Officer
  • Directors
  • Project Managers
  • Operation Managers and Supervisors
  • Team Leaders
  • Human Resources Professionals



Marcia Zidle, the Smart Moves Coach, is a board-certified executive and career coach, business management consultant, and keynote speaker, with over 25 years of management, business consulting, and international experience in a variety of industries including health care, financial services, oil and gas, manufacturing, insurance, pharmaceuticals, hospitality, government and nonprofits.

 She has expertise in strategy and alignment; executive and team leadership development; social and emotional intelligence; employee engagement and innovation; career and organization change management; employee relations and talent management.
Marcia has been selected as one of LinkedIn Profinder’s top coaches for the past 7 years. Check out the 200 + LinkedIn articles she’s authored on Leadership, Management, and Human Resources topics that have facilitated organizations to leverage their leadership and human capital assets generating greater effectiveness and profitability.

Marcia’s claim to fame is as a world traveler having a multi-cultural spirit and perspective. She has lived as an expatriate with her family in Scandinavia and Australia. In fact, one of her children is an "Aussie". She’s traveled to over 30 countries throughout Europe, Middle East, Far East, and the South Pacific.

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